

Family members, family patterns, the future of family, friendship and family, my future family
In the well known period in our country between 50ties and 90ties was spoken about family that it's a base of the state. I would rather say that family is the base of society. In contemporary world there is a trend towards smaller families. In the postwar years many American families had four or five children now one child is for many parent good enough. This trend may result in zero population growth. Young people in the Czech Republic tend to marry younger than they do in Britain. While many Czechs marry and have children in their early twenties, it is quite common for British people to start a family in their thirties. Now I would like to present the difference in families in Czech Republic and the families in English speaking countries. In our country young people stays longer with their parents, often to their marriage sometimes even after the marriage. In Great Britain or in United States young people go to work right after they graduate on high school or on the college and establish their house or an apartment. Another difference is that common Czech parents give money to their children after the marriage to build a house or rent the apartment, but in English speaking countries is more probable that parents only lend money to their children or children take a big mortgage. In United States people usually don't stay in one place for a long time, they move to get a better job or to have a change in their live. One of the biggest problems in family life is a divorce. Sometimes it's better for parents but children may suffer. I think that sometimes a couple should reconsider the divorce or wait 'till kids grow up. That's exactly what happened in our family. So our family is quite big: I have 5 uncles, 4 aunts and a lot of cousins. Both of my grandfathers died so I have only 2 grandmothers. I have also one brother and 2 step-brothers.

And how looks like the wedding in fact?
Once a couple decides to get married, they are engaged. Then they have to think what kind of wedding they want. Many people now don’t normally go to church, but they do like traditional church weddings. Or they can forget religion completely and marry in a Registry Office. This is a quick and cheap, but not a very interesting event. Having a religious or civil ceremony in other places is possible too, but only if the place is especially licensed for weddings, for example in a house, a garden, a park, a hotel or in the wedding chapel. For a good traditional church wedding, the planning and cost are horrible, but many people like it because it makes a great family occasion.
The bridegroom is not supposed to see the bride on the day of the wedding until they meet in church as this is considered to be bad luck. The bridegroom arrives at the church first and waits inside. The bride arrives later. Her father walks down the aisle with her. The couple makes their wedding vows and the bridegroom gives the bride a wedding ring and then the bride also gives a ring to the bridegroom. Then the happy couple walks back up the aisle, they are man and wife. Their friends throw confetti at them and they spent ages taking photographs. After that they go to a hotel for their wedding reception. They cut the cake and make speeches. Before the reception ends the bride and bridegroom usually drive away to another hotel to spend their wedding night before beginning their honeymoon.


The USA is situated in southern part of North America. Its neighbours are Canada on north, Mexico on south and the Confederation of Independent States in Alaska. It covers the area of abut 9 400 000 sq. km. Central plains are bounded by the Rocky Mountains and the Coastal Mountains to west, the Appalachian Mountains to east and alluvialplains around theGulfof Mexico. The largest rivers are the Mississippi and the Missouri. It’s the third longest river system in the world after the Amazon and the Nile. The border with Canada is in its control part made by the Great Lakes Region. Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario share the USA with Canada. Lake Superior is the second largest lake in the world (after the Caspian Sea).
There are big variations of climate. Temperatures change from the arctic cold in northern Alaska to subtropical warmth of Hawaii and the Gulf Coast States. On western coast temperature change very little between summer and winter, the north central states have different climate in summer and winter. There are many national parks in the USA, especially in the Rocky Mountains Region, with beautiful and preserved nature e.g. Yellowstone, Grand Canyon and Mount McKinley.

Political system
The USA is a federation of 50 states (48 on the continent and Alaska and Hawaii). As the head of the state is concidered the President. Political systeme is LIBERAL DEMOCRACY. There are two parties: Democratic Party (liberal centre) and Republican Party (centre right). Armed forces: 1 547 000. Military service is voluntary. The USA is member of all major international organizations for ex.: NATO, OSN, OECD,..
The main body of the political systeme is CONGRESS that seats in the Capitol. It is devided into 2 parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate. The house of Representatives consists of 435 lawmakers who are elected for 2 years. The Senate has 100 members – 2 from each state who serve 6 years. The President together with his Vice President is elected every 4 years. President seats in the White House.
The Capital of US is Washington D.C. with it’s 3,4 million inhabitants. Here we can find the White House, the Capitol, the building of Pentagon used to stand here. There is no industry and no factories so the place is nice and clean.

Flag and anthem
The American flag consists of two parts – one smaller blue oblong with 50 white stars symbolising 50 American states and one larger oblong consisting of six white and seven red stripes symbolising the original 13 states which used to be the British colonies. the flag is sometimes called “Old Glory” or “Stars and stripes”. The American national anthem is called “The Star – Spangled Banner”.

1492 – Columbus discovered America
1607 – first English colony was founded
1620 – Pilgrim Fathers on Mayflower come to America
1621 – First Thanksfiving
1619 – 1808 – about half a million africans were brought to America as slaves
1776 – Declovation of indepence
1861 – 1865 – Civil War
1863 – emancipation proclamation slavery was abolished assassinated
1917 – the USA entered World War I.
1941 – in December, the USA declared war to Japan after the attack of Pearl Harbour
1945 – in August, USA dropped atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
1963 – Assassination of J. F. Kennedy
1961 – 1973 – Vietnam War
1968 – assassination of Robert Kennedy and M. L. King
1969 – first man landed on the Moon (Neil Armstrong)
1991 – Gulf War
1992 – Bill Clinton president
2001 – George Bush president

The main industrial items are manufacturing steel, car industry, electronics, machinery and clothing. Nearby half of the country is a farmland, however only 21% is arable. The main agriculture products are corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, tobacco, cattle breeding, fruit and vegetable. The USA is rich in the mineral resources as coal, copper, lead, uranium, gold, iron, mercury and oil. The main trading partners are Canada, Japan, Mexico and Great Britain.

The capital city
Washington D.C. has the 10th largest population in the country. It was the finest city in the world especial planned and built as the capital and the centre of the government. In the city, along the Potomac River, there are the most important buildings in the USA – White House – the residence of the American President, the Capitol – the seat of the Congress, the Pentagon – the centre of military forces. There are no factories and industry in Washington and no building can be higher than the Capitol that is why we can’t see any skyscrapers there. There is a large airport and Georgetown University. Some famous monuments stand there: the Washington Monument, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorial.

The State of California is a state located in the western Pacific region of the United States and was the 31st admitted to the Union. It is the most populous state of the United States. It is bordered by Oregon to the north, Nevada to the east, and Arizona to the southeast in the United States. California's capital city is Sacramento, with the four largest cities being Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, and San Francisco. California is known for its diverse climate and geography, as well as ethnically diverse population. The state has 58 counties.
Before becoming a part of the United States, Alta California was colonized by the Spanish Empire in 1769. After Mexican independence in 1821, Alta California remained as part of Mexico until 1846, when it was the independent California Republic for one brief week. Following the conclusion of the Mexican-American war of 1848, California was annexed by the United States and was admitted to the Union as the thirty-first state on September 9, 1850.
California hosted the 1960 Winter Olympics at Squaw Valley Ski Resort, the 1932 and 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, as well as the 1994 FIFA World Cup.
California has nineteen major professional sports league franchises, far more than any other state. The San Francisco Bay Area has seven major league teams spread in three cities, San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose. While the Greater Los Angeles Area is home to ten major league franchises, it is also the largest metropolitan area not to have a team from the National Football League.

Hollywood is a district in Los Angeles, California, situated west-northwest of Downtown Los Angeles. Due to its fame and cultural identity as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars, the word "Hollywood" is often used as a metonym for the cinema of the United States. Today much of the movie industry has dispersed into surrounding areas such as Burbank and the Los Angeles Westside but significant auxiliary industries, such as editing, effects, props, post-production and lighting companies, remain in Hollywood.
Many historic Hollywood theaters are used as venues and concert stages to premiere major theatrical releases and host the Academy Awards. It is a popular destination for nightlife and tourism and home to the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Books, magazines, newspapers

Well I would like to say that I could read before I went to the school, I don´t know why, but I jsut could it. I was so  bored in first class when children couldn´t read the text, it was really terrible for me.
Maybe this is one of the reasons why I love reading. I like newspapers and magazines and interesting books of course.
I´m visiting the library regulary and I´m reading the newspapers every day. Because I want to know what´s new in the world.
Now I would like to say generally something about the newspapers and magazines:
 So in newspapers we can read about political and social events and about accidents which happened during the day. Newspapers are usually daily, printed on not too good paper. Magazines usually go out once a week or a fortnight.
Our oldest one is weekly Květy established by J. K. Tyl in 1804. They have been a very popular family magazine together with Vlasta magazine. Now you can buy many new magazines full of crosswords puzzles where you can win beautiful prizes. Some magazines are for whole family, some are just for woman, they are about cosmetics and fashion, some are about famous people and their lives and some give you advice how to improve your household.
There are also many magazines for teenagers where they can read about their popular singers and actors. They can find posters of them in these magazines, too.
 All magazines are usually printed on good paper, so some of them are very expensive. We can buy our favourite newspapers and magazines at tobacconist´s or we can book them and receive regularly by post. It´s cheaper but also more comfortable. In Britain there about 130 daily and Sunday newspaper. The oldest newspaper in the Times founded in 1785. Other famous newspapers are Daily Mirror, Daily Express, Daily Mail and Financial Times.
I confess that I like to read the tabloids. It´s special type of saily newspapers with shocking and newest information from celebrities live, from policy and in fact from all over the world. In fact I dont believe it at all, but sometimes they´re right, and I must say that I´m curious and I think that everyone is sometimes curious so the tabloids as Aha! or Blesk are great sources of information for me  But sometimes it´s really terrible what they can write and in this situations, when they write lies I have a mad on it.

Now I would like to say something about books. So I love books I really love them. I´m so nice at my books and I´m wrapping them. The books are perfect for relax, for dreaming, sometimes I want to sleep when I start to read, so they are also good to fall asleep for someone. But it´s only when I´m really exhausted in the evening and I want to read but my body wants to sleep. My favourite genres are historical books, mainly from 2nd world war. For example the great and interesting book is The Diary of Anne Frank, but on the other hand it´s terrible human story, which shows the hard life in this time however it´s story without happy end. But my best-loved books are about archeologist Howard carter, who discovered the tomb of king Tutankhamun in 1922 in Egypt. And my favourite author is Phillipp Vandenberg, the writer who writes about Howard Carter.
My second favourite author is Arnošt Lustig, he writes stories and novels about 2nd WW.
In fact I must  say that I don´t like poetry, Iˇm not interesting in it, because I don´t see the beauty of verse. maybe when I ´ll be older I ´ll like them, but now it´s my unfavourite genre and I don´t like sci-fi, either.


At first I would like to say, that this is my favourite question, because I love films and television and I´m really interested in celebrities quite a lot.
It is hard to say what I prefer. I think that cinema, theatre and TV have their own advantages and disadvantages. I prefer going to the cinema when I want to see some new movie and I dont want to wait for it in television (for its broadcasting in TV). Sometimes I prefer going to the cinema when I am bored and there is nothing to do in the weekend. Watching movie in the cinema is something entirely different from watching it in TV. In the cinema there is the strange atmosphere, but there is also one disadvantage – the tickets are quite expensive and the seats are very uncomfortable.
Watching television is very popular. You can watch it everywhere and anytime you want. You can watch many TV-programmes on many TV-station. Some people say, that watching TV is waste of time, but I think that its unnecessary to say it, because everyone can choose those programmes he prefers or can switch off the television.
I think that TV is quite good source of information. You can get very cheep and fast summary of news. The news can be sometimes more concerned with entertainment than information, but every viewer have to choose the correct channel. Another kind of TV programme I prefer is for ex.. documentary films. Im interested in nature all over the world, and its very exciting to watch the life of animals, plants or other people in foreign countries. And I´m also interested in history, so we have History channel, it´s my favourite TV-station, it´s great source of information for me.
The situation comedies are my favourite too, but they must be good. I like to watch some good films on TV too. It could be the film I had wanted to watch in a cinema, but I had no time for it. The TV programmes I hate are e.g. soap operas. They are too long and boring and even very predictable. Another bad TV programmes are stupid competitions, where you needn't know anything to win some money. I think it is quite unfair, because if its competition, you must prove something of your knowledge to get some money, not only by chance. Then I hate more and more advertisements. But sometimes some of them are so stupid that they are funny.
I like to listen to the radio too. According to my opinion its very good source of information and mostly the big source of music. I listen to the radio as much as possible. I think its not so big waste of time, because you can do many thing by listening to radio. The radio programmes I use to listen are: radio news, radio music charts, discussion programmes, commentaries, etc.
1)    The history of film :
The very first films started to be shot in the beginning of the 20th century. They were mostly documentary films (they were something like recent TV-news). Later, although the films were still black-and-white and silent, there appeared first movie star. They acted entirely in comedies. (the most popular comedy actor were e.g. Charlie Chaplin, Stan Laurel or Oliver Hardy and many other).With the developing of television, the number of visitors of cinemas goes down. People are too lazy to go to a cinema. Recently there appeared another competition for cinemas – video lending offices.
2)     My favourite film, director and actors:
My favourite actress is Nicole Kidman. I think that she is great actress and she portrayed interesting characters in my opinion. For example Virginia Woolf, it´s maybe her best character, she won the Golden Globe and an Oscar. But I respect her, because I reckon that she is inteligent and she adopted 2children and she conductives to many foundation, for example she helps people with cancer or children.

Now something about my favourite film. I love movies, I have a lot of favourite films, but I would like to say something about Anna and teh King. The movie was shooted in 1999 by Andy Tennant. The leading roles portrayed Jodie Foster and Chow Yun Fat. The story is about young teacher Anna Leonowens who arrived in Siam in 2 half of 19th century. She had to touht  more than 50 royal´s children in English language, because the king Mongkut thinks that his children will need the English language and european habits. In the end Anna falls in love with Mongkut, but there´s no place in this time for love among English teacher and Siam´s king. There´s another problem - in Siam starts war and Anna must left Siam and return in England. And this is the end of story. But it´s really nice story, there´s exotical country with love plot and something from history and Asia in this time, I think it´s really charming story

British literature

Virginia Woolf and first part of 20th century in British literature:
Georg Bernard Shaw
-  is the most famous personality in drama of 20th century. He attacked the whole society. In his plays he criticises the false morals of the society. Beside his famous Candida, You Can Never Tell, The Man of Destiny etc. is most famous Pygmalion. On this Shaw’s masterpiece is also based a musical My Fair Lady with Audrey Hepburn in leading role.

 The main character of this play is a poor girl Eliza Doolitle (who sold flowers and she is from the lowest society of  London) and Mr. Pickering, a specialist of English language, who made a bet with his colleague, he would learn Eliza to speak clear English like a Queen and the best specialist of English couldn’t notice it. And the best opportunity to that would be at the ball, so Eliza is great and everyone believes that she belongs to high society. Than Mr. Higgins wants her to stay with him, but Eliza´s choosing Freddy, because she wants respect, sympathy and respect.

Virginia Woolf ( 1882 – 1941 )
She was born on January 25th 1882 in London. She was educated by her father. Her mother died, when she was young. Virginia´s older step-sister Stella took responsibility of her, but she died after 2years. Virginia hadn´t happy childhood and because of this she had psychic problems.
She began writing in 1905. In 1912 she married Leonard Woolf a writer. But Virginia loved a woman, too, she had many relationships with them, but the best known is her relationship with Madge Vaughn, who was inspiration for the character of Mrs. Dalloway. At the end of 1940 Virginia suffered severe attacks of mental ilnesses. She felt she was unable to recover. On March 28th 1941 she filled her pockets with stones and drowned herself in the river Ouse, near her house in Rodmell. She is the one of the biggest novelist of 20th century, she wrote about woman – wimin and their problems and she was member of Bloomsbury group.
Woolf is considered one of the greatest innovators in the English language. In her works she experimented with stream-of-mind, and with emotional motives of characters, and the various possibilities of fractured narrative and chronology. Her literary achievements and creativity are influential even today.
Woolf's reputation declined sharply after World War II, but her eminence was re-established with the surge of Feminist criticism in the 1970s.

The Bloomsbury Group was an English collectivity of loving friends and relatives who lived in or near London during the first half of the 20th century. Their work deeply influenced literature, aesthetics, criticism, and economics as well as modern attitudes towards feminism, pacifism, and sexuality. Its best known members were Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Keynes, E. M. Forster, and Lytton Strachey.

Mrs. Dalloway
A story describing one day in Clarissa Dalloway life. She arranges a party in her house in the evening and the story starting in the morning, when she is in the florist and buys a flowers for party. She´s about 50 years old woman, who has husband Richard, who works at ministry and young daughter Elizabeth. They belong in high society in London after 1st WW. Clasrissa isn´t beauty or clever, but she is exceptional, maybe for her relation with her friends Sally Seton and Peter Walsh a man who was her boyfriend before she met Richard. Peter was a long time in India, they haven´t seen for ages, but now he´s in her house,  he´s back from India and wants to see her and tells her he falls in love with young woman from India. I think Clarissa still loves him, but she loves her husband too and there´s problem. She invites Peter at the evening party. Their appointment was very short and special. After appointment Clarissa sends him a letter. It was special letter for him and he maybe falls in love with Clarissa for second time.
At the evening party Clarissa gets to know that some man commited suicide and she goes in her room and there she´s thinking about death and life while her friends Peter and Sally waiting for her in the living room.... That´s the end of the story.
It´s unusual story, there´s no plot. And there are only ideas and remembers from Clarissa life. But I think it´s very interesting book.

Another books:

To the Lighthouse
Jacobs Room
The Waves
Three Guineas
The English Renaissance started with the reign of the Thudor family and reached its height with Elizabeth I.

Willam Shakespeare

-    He was born on 23 April in Stratford-upon – Avon, Warwickshire, England.
-    He lived in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
-    His mother name was Mary.
-    His father, John Shakespeare, was a glover and a wooldealer (in 1565 he was elected one of twelve aldermen of Stratford, and three years later he became its bailiff.
-    William had three brothers and four sisters.
-    The whole family lived quite happily in a house on Henley Street.

-    His education was typically Tudor
-    He almost certainly attended Stratford Grammar School, where he learnt Latin and Greek
-    He would also have learnt the Catechism and studied the Bible
-    The Bible was a constant source of inspiration to his

-    When William Shakespeare was 18 years old, he married Ann Hathaway, who came from the nearby village of Shottery.
-    She was 8 years older than William.
-    They had three children together - Susan and the twins - Judith and Hamnet.   
-    In his twenties, he left Stratford for London where he began his career, first as an actor and than as an editor and writer of plays.

-    He was very successful.
-    Queen Elizabeth I and King James I loved him very much.
-    After his arrival in London he joined the King’s Men group of actors.
-    In 1599 he bought the Globe Theatre.
-    Shakespeare and his fellow players were lucky enough to be able to win the patronage of the Lore Chamberlain, and the company came to be called the Lord Chamberlain’s Men.
-    During the twenty years that he lived in London, he wrote many tragedies, comedies, tragicomedies historical plays and sonnets. He is also the author of the romance The Two Noble Kinsmen but much of them were probably written by his collaborator, John Fletcher (1579-1625).
-    After acting in the theatre and writing plays he returned to his family in Stratford.

-    After spending an enjoyable evening with his friends, Shakespeare fell ill with a temperature.
-    He did not recover and died on 23 April 1616 – the same day his birth. He was exactly 52 years old.
-    He is buried in Holy Trinity Church at Stratford upon Avon

The plays have renaissance features, meaning that the theme is a secular (světský) one, the heroes are masters of their fate (osud), they assert (prosazovat) their own will and their actions are the consequence (důsledek, následek) of their character.
His plays reflect the problems of his time.
Shakespeare did not adhere (dodržet) to unity (jednota) of places, time and action.
He used blank verse.

1st period (1592 – 1600)
Until 1600 he wrote primarily comedies. Fairness (spravedlnost, čestnost) and love triumphs
-    The Comedy of Errors (Komedie plná omylů)
-    The Taming of the Shrew (Zkrocení zlé ženy)
-    A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Sen noci svatojánské)
-    Much Ado About Nothing  (Mnoho povyku pro nic)
-    The Merry Wives of Windsor (Veselé paničky windsorské)
-    As You Like It (Jak se vám líbí)
-    Twelfth Night (Večer tříkrálový)

He also wrote historical plays, on the basis of chronicles and the reigns (vláda) of kings:
-    Richard II.
-    Richard III.
-    Henry IV. – part 1,2,3,
-    Henry V
-    Henry VI

The best known tragedy from his early period is Romeo and Juliet
At that time he also wrote the play Julius Caesar and the comedy The Merchant of Venice
2nd period {1601 – 1608}
A certain (jistý) pessimism and the conviction (přesvědčení) that it is not possible to realize the Renaissance ideals made their appearance (vystoupení)
-    Hamlet
-    Othello
-    King Lear
-    Macbeth
3rd period
-    The Winter’s Tale (Zimní pohádka)
-    The Tenpest (Bouře)
-    Henry VIII.

   Historical plays (1589-1613):
-    Henry IV. – part 1,2,3,
-    Richard III.
-    Richard II.
-    King John
-    Henry IV. – part 1,2
-    Henry V.
-    Julius Caesar
-    Antoni and Cleopatra
-    Coriolanus
-    Henry VIII. 
Comedies (1592-1605)
-    The Comedy of Errors (Komedie plná omylů)
-    The Taming of the Shrew (Zkrocení zlé ženy)
-    Love’s Labour’s Lost  (Marná lásky snaha)
-    The Two Gentlemen of Verona (Dva šlechticové veronští)
-    A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Sen noci svatojánské)
-    The Merchant of Venice (Kupec benátský)
-    Much Ado About Nothing  (Mnoho povyku pro nic)
-    As You Like It (Jak se vám líbí)
-    The Merry Wives of Windsor (Veselé paničky windsorské)
-    Twelfth Night (Večer tříkrálový)
-    Troilus and Cressida
-    All’s Well That Ends Well (Konec vše napraví)
-    Measure for Measure (Půjčka za oplátku) 
Tragedies (1593-1608)
- Titus Andronicus
-    Romeo and Juliet
-    Hamlet
-    Othello
-    King Lear
-    Macbeth
-    Timon of Athens
 Romances (tragicomedies, 1608-1612)
-    Pericles
-    Cymbeline
-    The Winter’s Tale (Zimní pohádka)
-    The Tenpest (Bouře)

Shakespeare’s plays are the basis for the English theatrical tradition.
They have been translated into almost all the languages of the world and are admired (obdivovat) everywhere for the beauty (krása) and poetry (báseň, poezie) of the language.


In England the word "sports" means some indoor and outdoor acitivities for fun. Favourite Egnlish sports are e. g. horese - riding, horse - racing, swimming, athletics, running or jumping. A sport with rules is considered as a game. In England football, rugby, crickets, golf and tennis are commonly played. Most young people consider sports and games to be a very important to go in for them to be fit and healthy. If people don´t  go in for any sports, tehy are often lazy and fat. Everybody should try to practise some sports, e. g. running for health. Many sports and games are played in sports halls, on playgrounds or stadiums.
Some winter sports are practise on an ice
- rink. Among these are ice hockey, speed skating or figure skating. If a river is frozen over everybody can skate on. Skiing is another popular winter sport (cross country skiing or down hill skiing).
The most popular summer sport is swimming. It can be practised in a lake, river or sea. Rowing is very popular in England.
 Football is the most popular game in the world. In Amerika it is called soccer. Typical English ball game is cricket. The rules of this game are rather complicated. A typical American ball game is baseball. Another kind of sport is gymnastics
There are various competitons for sportsmen all over the world. Olympic Games are the most important competition and they are held only once in a four year period. Another kind of competiton are championships. Other kinds of sports are races. There are car races, horse races, etc.