
American History

 The Breakdown of Feudalism

-    by the end of the 15th century, feudalism was breaking down in Western Europe
-    more people lived in cities and more men earned money by trading and manufacturing
-    money and gold began to be widely use in trading
-    banks were founded
-     large sums of money could be invested in eypeditions whose was bring home gold and topromote trade
-    the roads to the East were blocked by the Arabs and Turks
-    it was impossible to bring from Asia gold and important goods ( spices, parfumes)
-    merchants and traderes could not také these goods to Europe and sell them at high profits

   The Finding of Amerika

-    the race for world trade and search for new trade routes led to the discovery of Amerika
-    Colombus belived, that the earth is round and that it was possible to sail around it
-    he may have heard of the land to west of Iceland which was visited about 1000 A.D.  by a Scandinavian sailor, Leif Ericson
-    Colombus´ offer of services was accepted by Spanich King and Queen, who provided him with three ships
-    on October 12, 1492 after an eight-week voyage Columbus landed on one of Bahama Islands, believing that he had discovered India
-    he named the nativ people Indians

   Other Voyages

-    soon other explorers were ready to try the voyage
-    among them was an Italian sailor John Cabot, who lived in England
-    he sailed along the coast of North America in 1497
-    another Italian sailors is Amerigo Vespucci
-    at the end of the 16th century, the English sailors Humphrey Gilbert and Walter Raleigh tried to establish permenet colonies in America in the region called Virginia in honour , but they were not successful

   Reason for English Colonization

-     by the year 1600, many Englishmen were becoming interested in having colonies in                  
-    Industry and commerce had been increasing so rapidly during Queen Elizabeth reign
-    making pofits from the colonies was the first reason for the English colonization
-    the settlers were mainly poor men with nothing to do
-    the demands of manufacturers for more wool caused many landlords to turn their lands into sheep-farms
-    the povertyof the unemployed was the reason for setting up colonies
-    the other reason was the religious persecution
-    religious intolerance drove Englishmen away from their country
-    puritans and other religious sects demanded the right to establishtheir own churches
-    since the law refused them religious freedom at home, they decided to go to America

  The First English Colony

-    in 1607, a colonizing company, founded in London and known as the London Company
sent the first colonist across the Atlantic
-    the colonist landed on the shores of the james River in Virginia
-    they called their settlement Jamestown, after King James I of England
-    the work in colonies was hard ( cutting down trees, building houses)
-    a leader John Smith made friends with the indians and they even sold part of their crops to the hungry colony
-    the first Virginians guickly learnt to grow the native crops and their main export was tobacco
-    on the large plantations worked shite servants and negro slaves

  Pilgrim Fatrhers

-    the second permanent colony was set up on the New England coast
-    the colonist here were the puritans, becouse they were persecuted in England
-    the first group of about 100 people became known as the Pilgrim Fathers
-    on the December 11, 1620, they landed and established their settlement and calld it Plymouth
-    the work in the colony was had, the winter was cold and Pilgrims weren´t successfull, they didn´t know how to plant the native grow, how to live in their new home
-    many of them died
-    the native people helped them, they tought them how to plant, hunt, fish ….
-    The Pilgrims wanted to thank God and native Americans for their help ( Thanksgiving Day) 
   Other colonies

-    the religious intolerance of the Puritans led to founding of other colonies
-    during the 17th century ,new colonies were set up in  Maryland, North and South Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Georgia and Delawere
-    at the begining of the 18th century, there were altogether 13 English colonies
-    this number is marked by 13 stripes on the American flag

 Growth of national feeling in the colonies

-    hard life of colonist developed in them a sense of indipendence
-    industries were developing quickly andthe colonist came to depend on England for very few of the necessities of life
-    privious generation helped the British army in its war against France and her settlers in the North
-    the war ended in the victory of General James Wolfe over the French at Quebec in 1759/1763

   Reason for conflict with England

-    the colonist were indipendent in spirit
-    England tried to control the American trade for her own profit and a number of laws were passed to the advantage of British merchants, manufacturers and shipowners
-    by the Navigation Acts England required the colonist to sell certain products in her markets, to buy all their imports from her merchants and carry on all commerce in English ships
-    in 1765, Parliament passed the Stamp Act – this law required lagel documents to be written and printed upon stamped paper bought from the British government, it angered the Americans
-    Quartering Act – required each colony to provide buildings, fuel, and other necessities for the British troops
-    The Townshend acts –were passed placing taxes on glass, paper, paint, and tea

  First open conflicts

-    all the Acts of Parliament tried to exloit the American colonies and they united the colonist from the North to South
-    there were public meetings and riots
-    there was most serious incident in Boston ; some soldiers fired on a group of men and boys and killd some of them
-    Boston Tea Party – the ansfer of the people of Boston to English tax on tea
                  some people dressed as Indians climbed abroad three ships, loaded
                 with tea and threw it into the sea

 The Colonies Become Independet

-    in April 1775 some English soldiers were sent to destroy the supplies at concered to arrest Samuel Adams , who was staying in Lexington
-    the firts battle took place on Bunker Hill
-    June 1776 – Declaration of Independence (Thomos Jafferson) – adopted by the Continental Congres on July 4, 1776
-    a new nation was called THE UNITED STATES

 The Constitution of the United States

-     in 1787 delegates draw up the basic lows of the country = The Constitution ….
-    The Bill of Rights – secured to the people certain important rights, such as freedo of speach, of the   press, religious freedom ……
  The Civil War

-    the causes of the Civil War were economic and political
-    it was struggle between the interests of the North and those of the slave owners in the South
-    there were four main causes for the conflict: Protective Tariff
                                                                           New Territories
                                                                           The State Rights

-    in the elction of 1860 was Abreham Lincoln elected President of the United States
-    in the civil war von
-    the reason for Northern victory:  Numerical strenght
                                                         Naval power
                                                         Economic power

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