

London is the capital city of the United Kingdom. It lies on the river Thames and covers an area of 1580 sq km. Almost 7 million people live there and about 12 million in its conurbation. It includes the City of London and 32 boroughs. London is the seat of the Monarch, the Parliament and the Government. It is also cultural and economic centre of the Kingdom, it contains many important museums, galleries, theatres and many historical buildings and parks. In the London I can travel by ship on the river or by rail for long distances, by bus (there are red double-deckers, single Red Arrow busses or Green Line buses), by underground or by taxi (black).
Central London is divided into two parts - The East End (there live  immigrants and working people) and The West End (here are shops, theatres, beautiful residential area, great parks...).
The Buckingham Palace is situated in the centre of London. It is the home of the kings and queens of Great Britain. Now there lives the queen Elisabeth the 2nd. When is she in the palace on the roof of the palace fly the flag. Outside the palace take place every day the famous ceremony - Changing of the Guard. 30 guardments dressed in tradition uniform (red coat and black helmet) are changing their palace with another.
The Tower of London is the top tourist attraction. William the Conqueror began to build the massive fortress - the White Tower - it is 30 m high and now it is the museum. Tourists can see the arsenal of weapons or Crown Jewels here. Now it is a beautiful place, but before it was prison for many famous prisoners. Next to the Tower stands the Tower Bridge, which opens when the ships want to pass (it takes 90 seconds to raise).
The largest and best-known church of the City is St. Paul's Cathedral, which was build by Sir Christopher Wren in 1711. It stands on the site of  the previous cathedral which was damaged by the Great Fire of London in 1666. St. Paul's Cathedral is built in Baroque style. Inside the dome along the cupola is remarkable acoustics which make it possible to hear words on one side whispered against the wall on the opposite side (the Whispering Gallery). There took place royal wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana in 1981.
The Houses of Parliament is the political centre of the United Kingdom. (two halls - the House of Lords, the House of Commons) Near the Parliament rises the clock tower called Big Ben. The Big Ben is the name of the bell (named after Sir Benjamin Hall).
Trafalgar Square, I think, is the largest in London and is place of political demonstrations and busy traffic. Its name commemorates the victory of Admiral Lord Nelson over French and Spanish fleet at Trafalgar in 1805. In the middle of the square is Nelson's Column (about 50 m high) with five-meter tall statue of Horatio Nelson at the top. On the square is the National Gallery too. Short way from Trafalgar Square is the Piccadilly Circus. This is busiest and noisiest  place in London with night clubs, theatres, cinemas, shops and restaurants.
There is many green places in the London (St. James's Park, Hyde Park with Speaker's Corner, Kensington Gardens, Regent's Park.

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