
History GB

-   The Iberians – the first inhabitants, they build stone circle (Stonehenge)
-    The Celts – 700 BC, they were ancestors (předchůdci) of many people living today in Wales, Scotland, Ireland – they using Celtic language
-   The Romans –(0-400AC) the Celts and the Romans lived relatively in peace together, they build towns, forts, roads, the country prospered for 400 years under the Roman rule, they made a system in government and strong administration in the country, around 400 they had to leave because they had problems at home in Rome
-    The Jutes, The Angles, The Saxons – (400-800) they arrive from germany lands, they drove (vytlačit) the Celtic people into the mountains of Wales and Scotland, during this time Christianity began to spread in England from Ireland, king Arthur was Celtic leader, who defended the country against the Saxons invasion (he lived in castle Camelot)
-   The Vikings – (800-1000) they arrived from northern parts of Europe, they raided (vyplenit) the -   Normans – they came from France, were the last invaders of the country, they were lead by William The Conqueror and he defeated the Saxon king Haroln in the Battle of Hastings in 1066, they establish a strong government, gradually the Norman and the Anglo-Saxon languages and customs merged (spojit)
-    The way to parliament – a struggle between the king and the noblemen in 1215  Magna Charta was signed, it limited the power of the king, the king had to listen the opinions of the noblemen, the noblemen started to meet regularly, it means the beginning of Parliament in England
-   The hundred years war – (1338-1453) the conflict between England and France, it was conflict over land, England was defeated and did not get land in France
The war of roses – (1455-1485) it was a civil war, between the house of Lancaster (white) and the house of York (red), the war ended with the establishment of the powerful Tudor house
-    Tudors – Henry VIII – he quarrels (hádat se) with the Pope, Henry wanted to get divorced (rozvod) but Pope did not allow it, Henry separated from the Church of Rome and establish the Church of England (1534), he declared himself the head of this church of England
Elizabeth I – Henry’s daughter, she was a protestant, she executed Mary Stuart (her cousin and queen of Scotland, catholic  the Catholics in England wanted her as a queen), during her reign Britain became a major sea power – sir Francis Drake – he defeated Spanish army in 1588, which wanted invade England, sir Walter Raleigh – he founded the first colony in America (Virginia)
-   The Stuart house – Elizabeth had no children, her closest relative (nejbližší příbuzný) was James VI of Scotland (son Mary Stuart), he became king as James I of England, Scotland and England were united under one king in 1603, in 17th century there were conflicts between king and parliament, it led to civil war, in the end the parliament, their leader was Oliver Cromwell, won and king James I was executed, Cromwell establish the republic, he was a head a state, but he needed the help of army, after his dead the monarchy was restore but parliament remain very strong
-   The industrial revolution – about the end of 18th century, is characterised by the radical change in the way was made – from hands to machines, new machine – steam machine, new machine could do the work a several people and mass production became possible, many people were poor, work a lot and live in horrible conditions
-    Reign of Victoria – she ruled from 1837 to 1901, she was a symbol of stability and continuity of the British way of live, her age was characterize industrialising and urbanising and she establish compulsory public education, in this times Britain had a lot of colonies, the British empire reach its peak
-   20th century – WWI – Britain lost a lot of men and suffer from a economic crisis, the situation was even worse after the Wall street crash – the Wall street crash was follow by the severe depression all over the world, some important changes happen in this time: many unemployed people, right vote to women, old age pension
WWII – Britain suffered from bombing, Britain did not fall and helped to win the second WW against Germany
- from the British empire to the European Union – Ireland became independent in 1921, in 1926 the Commonwealth of nations was founded = a free association of equal states under one king or queen  Britain and 47 colonies, Britain is member of the United nations, NATO and European Union

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